Monday, August 29, 2011

A cowboy does need his MOMMY!!!!

My neice came with me to a rodeo and took some great pictures.  She caught one of my little cowboys needing his Mommy after getting hurt.

Wait for me, I want to see the scrap.

That doesn't look so bad.

Let me take a second look.

I think he will be ok Mom!!!!

Love and Prayers!!!

p.s. It is so nice to know my cowboys still need me!!!


  1. Such cute photos! Your neice caught the expression on his unhappy little face!

  2. That must have been Becca who took those. Very sweet and sure show the story. Good job. You have a very caring little guy there. You will find cowboys always will need you.

  3. How very cute, Tiffany.
    Those little cowboys will always need you.
    Leslee B.
