Friday, May 24, 2013


For the trip to the Midwest our only motel request is a pool.  And as you can tell why.


Amusement Park

We spent the day at the mall and most of our time was was sent in the amusement park!!!!  We got there at 9:30am and left at 6:00pm.  As you can imagine I think we got our money worth on the wrist bands!!!

T - Ball

The boys are obsessed with T-ball lately.  So Dad bought them a stand, bats and balls and we have been playing all day!! And this is just the first day.  I am shocked how good they are at hitting the ball.

Newest project

This is my newest landscaping project!!!  I am really hoping it turns out as nice as this picture.  I will keep you posted.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013


We were at the Mall of America and my little Batman at heart got his true colors painted on his face.  The funniest part was is strutting and flying around the rest of the day.

Kid Heaven

We are visiting Minneapolis and are staying at a Best Western with the best kid pool!!!!  The boys are having the time of their lives.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Outside Boys!!!!

Well one of the reasons my posts have been so very absent is I have a couple OUTSIDE boys.  As you can see below we are happiest outside.  

So to help solve my problem I FINALLY have figured out how to post from my phone.  Since I always have my phone and 90% of my photos are on it too, blogging should be easier!!!  

2013 !!!!!

Yes it has been awhile!!!! 

And look at our NEW ADDITION!!!!

After much deliberation and convincing from my father, we got "BOOTS". 
And I have to say she has been a wonderful addition and the easiest puppy I have ever had.  And the boys absolutely love her too!!!